Easy Classes to Take in Community College

Now that finals are over, you might be looking for some GPA boosters for the upcoming semesters. Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at CUNY City College.

1. ANTH 10100 - Introduction to Anthropology

ANTH 10100 focuses on the linguistic, biological, archaeological, and socio-cultural aspects of anthropology, spending equal amounts of time on each sub-field throughout the semester. It counts as an World Cultures and Global Issues core course, and is the prerequisite for most other anthropology courses. Image result for anthropology

2. ART 10200 - Introduction to Drawing

In this class, you'll learn the fundamental elements of drawing, such composition (how to arrange objects in your art), form (the way in which you shape your objects), space (how close objects are relative to one another), value (how to balance out colors in your art), and more. Students work with a variety of media. You will need to spend some time outside of class working on art pieces, however, most professors allow you to redo assignments if you did not get the grade you wanted. drawing pencils

3. MCA 10100 - Introduction to Media Studies

This class explores the different aspects of communication media and how it affects society. Class sizes are small, and the professors have great reviews. The course is available to all students as an elective. Image result for media studies

4. THTR 13200 - Body Movement

If you're looking for some physical activity in your schedule, try THTR 132. Students practice various techniques, such as yoga, to relax their body and appear more natural when acting. Some modern dance is included. The class may be taken up to two times for credit. Image result for theater class

5. PSC 12600 - Introduction to the Legal Process

Ever wonder what actually happens in legal proceedings? PSC 126 introduces students to the institutions and procedures of the American justice system, both civil and criminal. It is also the gateway class for the Legal Studies minor. Image result for legal process

6. PHIL 11100 - Critical Thinking

This course aims to develop students' argumentative and reasoning skills. For example, you'll learn how to tell when a source has a substantive, solid argument, or well written, persuasive rhetoric. While working towards that A, you may find your writing and debate skills improving along the way. Image result for thinking

7. ECO 10150 - Principles of Management

In today's workforce, knowing how to be an effective, organized leader is a must. ECO 10150 goes into the theory and history behind corporate management, while tying lessons into how students can develop their own managerial skills. There are also plenty of opportunities for extra credit. Image result for management

8. BIO 10004 - Human Biology

Designed for (and only available to) non-science majors, this class focuses on the function of the human body, as well as medical and ethical issues related to health. A lab is required every other week, however, this course does fulfill the Life and Physical Sciences core requirement. Image result for biology

9. CSC 10200 - Introduction to Computing

Knowing a programming language is a nice addition to any resume, no matter the career. CSC 102 teaches students the basics of coding, either in C++ or Java. Before signing up, make sure you have at least a C in MATH 19500 or MATH 20100, as they are prerequisites. Image result for java

10. WS 10000 - Women's/Gender Roles in Contemporary Society

This class explores the issues women face in various societies, as well as how their experiences vary based on race, class, sexuality, etc. The class counts for the Individual and Society core requirement. Image result for women's studies While easy classes are useful in maintaining a good GPA, if you take them with an open mind and a hardworking heart, you might yourself learning something valuable, or even discovering a new academic interest. Because these are mainly introductory classes, many of these are the key to unlocking interesting, higher level courses, paving the way to minors or double majors. However, always keep in mind that any class will require some effort to get that perfect grade. Balance your time and schedule well, and better grades will inevitably come your way.


Source: https://oneclass.com/blog/cuny-city-college/63190-10-of-the-easiest-classes-at-cuny-city-college.en.html

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